Web development Studio
At the same time, you can insert a link to the article and any other text to open this window: Open Form Module
<a href='#mod319'> Open Form Module </a>
You can also pass values to the window fields.
You can create an order form for a product or service based on the module. Open Form with message
<a href='#mod319&textarea3319=I want to sing Your favorite song.&email2319=madonna@gmail.com&text0319=Madonna'> Open Form with massage</a>
At the same time, you can insert a link to the article and any other text to scroll to module:
Link: Scroll to Module
<a href='#mod313'> Scroll to Module </a>
You can also pass values to the window fields.
You can create an order form for a product or service based on the module.
Link: Scroll to module with message
<a href='#mod313&text0313=Will_Smith.&textarea1313=I_am_a_hero.'> Scroll to module with message</a>
Link: Scroll to module with message
<a href='#mod313&text0313=Madonna&textarea1313=I_want_to_sing_Your_favorite_song.'> Scroll to module with message</a>
This text is an example of a product description.
This text is the output of an article with a description of the product, service, or any product with pictures. The module will act as a component that allows you to place an order. It is enough to create a module once and place it on the site, the module will automatically understand the product and fix the parameters and price.